Entry #4 Modern Illustrations

Modern Illustrations    

    Today's anime has the best colors, textures, artistic design, life-like scenarios, and incredible visual effects. Just like CGI is used to bring visual art to life, anime has the advantage of having it all be created from art illustrations. The artist can bring out all their ideas and creativity into screen. Many shows demonstrate this creativity such as Naruto, Bleach, Attack of Titan, and One Piece.

    As for color, older anime, many shows had dull or dark tints, shades, or tones. In today's anime, many studios have budgeted more in intensifying colors and illuminations in their animation. These illustrations cause viewers to want to stay longer and watch the full animated scene(s). Not only do colors make the scene more mesmerizing but so do the texture of the drawings. 

For example, in Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, the creator makes its characters very muscular and adds unique details to the character's clothing and poses. Although newer anime have finer illustrations and textures, older animes have done a great job too in implying textures and movement. The primary reason would be that illustrators and animators had to work harder to create their ideas/designs with older software and techniques. 

Not only does anime have amazing illustrations it also has a vast variety of genres for all types of viewers' interests. Some genres of anime are action, adventure, shonen, sports, sci-fi, and thriller. Overall, Anime is the newest and best thing to watch in today's modern times. Anime has plenty of eye-catching visuals and scenarios for all ages and interests.

Dan, Kane. “How Many People Watch Anime in 2023? - Detailed Answer.” The Anime Facts, The Anime Facts, 14 Dec. 2022, https://theanimefacts.com/how-many-people-watch-anime/. 


  1. I'm not really into anime, but I love how all of the carters look. I like your blog style, and I like all the pictures you used.

    1. Samantha hall


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